Most people have a fight or flight reaction when they come face to face with a banshee and let’s be honest this is very understandable. Some people are made of sterner (Or less sane) stuff however and have managed to get to know the banshee on a personal level. Add alcohol to the mix and sometime when the moon is full and it is “The right time of the month” for the banshee a creature can come into the world that is truly unique, a half banshee. A perfect fusion of DNA from both her parents (Half banshees are always female) these thankfully rare beings tend to be shunned by society as being odd or making people uncomfortable for no reason they can put their finger on. It inevitable leaves half banshees with only three opens. A life of crime, Adventurer’s life, or hiding away in a monastic enclave where they are not judged on their ancestry. Inevitably however their inner banshee will surface and the half banshee will be forced to live with the consequences.

Half Banshee Traits
Ability score increases
Your dexterity goes up by 2 and your Intelligence by 1. Another ability of your choice is also increased by 1
Like their human fathers’ half banshees reach adulthood in their late teens. Unlike humans half banshees can live 150 years or longer.
left to their own devices half banshees, like humans, tend towards no specific alignment even if society invariably suspects them of chaotic or evil internet. Some half banshees give into this expectation other rebel against it and live lives of near saintly virtue. Most fall half way between these two.
Half banshees vary widely in height from barely five foot to well over six foot tall. Regardless of your place in this range your size is medium.
Half Banshee have a walking speed of 30
Half banshees have an innate ability to float a couple of inches off the floor and glide along silently. When gliding a half banshee gains advantage to stealth rolls and can move up to 40 feet
You can speak read and write Common, Elvish and Sylvan
Owing to their mother's fey ancestors and spectral nature Half Banshee advantage on saving throws against being charmed and Magic can't send you to sleep
Due to their unsettling aura half Banshees gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill as people tend to want to do anything to get away from them.
Due to their spectral ancestry Half Banshee have a natural affinity for the arcane and gain proficiency in the Arcana skill.
At level 1 Half banshee have resistance of Cold, Necrotic, Psychic and Poison damage. At level 10 they gain advantage on saving throws against these types of damage. This morphs into full immunity to these damage types at level 15.
Banshee Wail
Once she reaches level 5 The half banshee is mature enough to use her voice to make an attack in the same way other banshee do. this attack takes the form of a mournful wail. This wail has no effect on constructs and undead. All other creatures within 30 feet of her that can hear her must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature drops to 0 hit points. On a success, a creature takes 3d6 psychic damage. the half banshee can use this attack ability once per day, it resets at dawn
Like their elf and banshee kin Half Banshee have Dark vision up to 60 feet . this means they can see up to 60 feet in dim light as if it is well lit and up to 60 in total (Non magical) darkness as if it is dim lighting.
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