Dragon Slayer

Dragon Slayers is a unique type of class that utilize a form of magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of magic, just like each dragon is a master of their own element. Dragon Slayers are trained by dragons to use Dragon Slayer magic. In addition, they have the ability to consume the element which they wield, just as long as it is not created from thier own magic. Doing so rejuvanates them and enhances thier senses.

Class Features

As a Dragon Slayer, you get the following class features.

Hit points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dragon Slayer level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constituion modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constituion modifier per dragonslayer level after 1st


Armor: None

Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords

Tools: One musical instrument


Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity

Skills: Perception and choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) shortsword or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) Explorer's pack
  • any musical instrument

Elemental Mastery

As you harness your draconic power, you feel a deep primal connection to an element. Choose one element to make your dragonslayer element at first level:


Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may gain resistance to cold damage for 1 minute. You may spend 1 form point to add an additional 1d4 Elemental Damage to all unarmed strikes until the end of your turn. Your elemental damage type is fire.


Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may gain resistance to force damage for 1 minute. You may spend 1 form point to add an additional 1d4 Elemental Damage to all unarmed strikes until the end of your turn. Your elemental damage type is lightning.


Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may gain resistance to fire damage for 1 minute. You may spend 1 form point to add an additional 1d4 Elemental Damage to all unarmed strikes until the end of your turn. Your elemental damage type is cold.


Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage for 1 minute. You may spend 1 form point to add an additional 1d4 Elemental Damage to all unarmed strikes until the end of your turn. Your elemental damage type is force.


Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage for 1 minute. You may spend 1 form point to add an additional 1d4 Elemental Damage to all unarmed strikes until the end of your turn. Your elemental damage type is force.


Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may gain resistance to necrotic damage for 1 minute. You may spend 1 form point to add an additional 1d4 Elemental Damage to all unarmed strikes until the end of your turn. Your elemental damage type is radiant.


Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may gain resistance to radiant damage for 1 minute. You may spend 1 form point to add an additional 1d4 Elemental Damage to all unarmed strikes until the end of your turn. Your elemental damage type is necrotic.

Unarmored Defence

At first level, whenever you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Dragon Form Points

You feel empowered from the beginning. From your connection to dragons and the elements of the planes, you gain the ability to channel the primal essence of the world to increase your abilities. As your Dragon Slayer level increases, you gain points equal to the number listed on the Dragon Slayer table. You may spend these points to unleash the powers given to you from various Dragon Forms. You regain all expended points on a long rest, or half, rounded down, on a short rest. If a Dragon form requires a saving throw, the DC is calculated as follows:

         Dragon Form save DC = 8 + your proficency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Dragon Forms

At first level, Dragon Slayers have the ability to harness the elemental power of dragons themselves, as a result of this strange magic they have the ability to augment themselves to a more destructive and more powerful level. These abilities might expend a certain amount of Dragon Form Points. You may change one known Dragon Form for another each time you advance a level. Some Dragon Forms have level requirements that must be met before they can be taken.

Dragon's Sight

You gain darkvision of 60 feet.

Dragon's Touch

You may add your Wisdom modifier to unarmed attacks if it is not already added.

Dragon's Core

You may choose to make your unarmed strike deal elemental damage.

Dragon's Acrobatics

(1 point)
You may take the disengage action as a bonus action.

Dragon's Claw

(1 point)
As an action, you wrap your hand in your element, dealing 1d10 elemental damage on a successful melee attack. You make two attacks at 5th level, three at 11th level, and four at 17th level.

Dragon's Fortitude

(2 points)
You may take damage equal to half of the DC of a saving throw to automatically succeed it.

Dragon's Roar

(2 points)
As an action, you unleash a roar rivaling that breath weapon of a dragon. On a failed constitution save, all enemies within a 30 foot cone take 2d6 elemental damage, or half as much on a successful save. The damage increases by 1d6 at 6th level, 11th level, and 16th level.

Devour Element

(2 points)

As a reaction, you may reduce damage taken of your element type by your wisdom modifier + your proficency bonnus, and regain that many temporary hit points.

Dragon's Fury

(Level 5)
Whenever you take the Attack action, you may make two attacks.

Dragon's Blast

(2 points, Level 5)
As an action, you create a 15 foot radius explosion centered on yourself, dealing 5d10 elemental damage to all creatures within range. As a result, you also take half of the damage dealt, ignoring resistance on yourself.

Dragon's Lance

You may expend 1 Form Point to gain 5 feet of reach or you may spend 2 Form Points to gain 10 feet of reach.

Dragon's Bellow

(1 point, Level 7)
Channeling a dragon’s voice the player creates ferocious roar. As an action, all creatures in a 50 foot cone must make a wisdom saving throw, or become feared. The creatures feared may make the saving throw again at the end of their turn.

Dragon's Eyes

(Level 7)
You may expend up to 3 points to add one for each point expended to an attack roll. You may do this after seeing the roll, but before knowing the result.

Dragon's Tail

(1 point, Level 7)
As an action, you create a tail made of elemental energy that does 1d8 elemental damage on a successful unarmed attack. The target must also make a strength saving throw or become grappled. Every turn they do not break the grapple, they take and additional 1d4 elemental damage. This damages increases to 1d6 at 11th level, and 1d8 at 16th level.

Dragon's Armor

(2 points, Level 7)
Using a full turn, you double your AC. You may not take any other action while doing this. You may maintain this for 1 Form Point every turn, continuing to use a full action.

Dragon's Wings

(Level 9)
Wings of elemental energy sprout on your back. You gain a fly speed of 30 ft. These wings can be summoned or dismissed as an action.

Dragon's Wing Attack

(1 point, Level 9, Dragon’s Wings Dragon Form)
As an action, you dive in from the air and slashing with your wings. Make an unarmed melee attack. On hit, this attack deals 2d8 damage of your elemental type to the target. If hit, the target also makes a strength saving throw, or becomes knocked prone. You may make two unarmed melee attacks at 15th level.

Dragon's Scales

(1 point, Level 9)
As a reaction, you may spend up to three points to increase your AC by one for each point expended. This boost lasts until the end of your next turn.

Dragon's Dance

(2 points, Level 9)
As a bonus action, you gain 10 feet of movement speed, and add 1d8 elemental damage to every attack until the end of your next turn.

Dragon's Sword

(1 point, Level 11)
As a bonus action, you conjure a shortsword of elemental energy, lasting until the end of your next turn. Any creature hit by it takes 3d8 elemental damage and makes a constitution saving throw or is knocked back 5 feet. The damage increases by 1d8 at level 17.

Dragon's Jaws

(2 points, Level 11)
As an action, you cloak your arms in elemental energy taking the form of large jaws. A target within range of an unarmed strike must make a dexterity saving throw or become grappled until you release them and take 4d8 elemental damage. For every turn they remain grappled, they take an additional 1d8 elemental damage. You must maintain the grapple on subsequent turns, or the target is no longer grappled.

Elemental Dragon Forms

Ring of Fire

(1 point, Level 3, Fire Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you create a fiery explosion on yourself. All creatures within a 25’ sphere must make a Dexterity save or take 2d8 fire damage, or half on a successful save.

Lightning Dash

(1 point, Level 3, Lightning Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you may move up to half of your movement speed in a straight line, ending in an unoccupied space. All creatures within the line take 2d8 lightning damage and must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

Northern Winds

(1 point, Level 3, Ice Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you summon a cold wind from behind you, causing a 45’ cone of icy hazardous terrain. When a creature moves onto it, it must made a dexterity saving throw, or fall prone taking 1d8 cold damage. This ice lasts one minute.

Swirling Twister

(1 point, Level 3, Wind Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you can make a 10 foot wide twister shoots out in a line. All creatures in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d8 force damage get pushed to the side 10’. On a successful save, take half damage, and don’t get pushed back.

Earth Tremor

(1 point, Level 3, Earth Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you create a 30’ line of spiked rocks in front of you. All creatures in this line must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a successful save. In addition, on a failed save, the creature gets knocked prone.

Shining Brilliance

(1 point, Level 3, Radiant Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you can summon a pillar of light shines in a 10’ radius cylinder within 40’ of you. All targets within the area must make a Constitution save or take 2d8 radiant damage, or half on a successful save.

Darkest of Nights

(1 point, Level 3, Necrotic Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you can create an area of shadows 25’ in radius is generated centered on yourself. All creatures in that are in the area are effected by magical darkness, except for you. This darkness lasts one minute.

Pillars of Hell

(2 points, Level 10, Fire Elemental Mastery)
As an action, five pillars of fire are summoned. Each pillar has a radius of 5 feet, and are 30 feet tall. Each pillar appears within 60 feet of you. Whenever a creature starts their turn within the fire, they take 2d10 fire damage. Each pillar lasts 1 minute. You may move one pillar 30 feet as an action.

Lightning Halberd

(2 points, Level 10, Lightning Elemental Mastery)
As an action, a bolt of lightning in the shape of a halberd is thrown at an enemy within 40ft. Make a ranged attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 lightning damage.

Frozen Armory

(2 points, Level 10, Ice Elemental Mastery)
As an action, 3d4 swords of ice appear around you. As a reaction, you can make a ranged weapon attack on a target within 40 feet, inflicting 2d6 cold damage. The swords last two minutes before disappearing.

Raging Typhoon

(2 points, Level 10, Wind Elemental Mastery)
As an action you create a whirling typhoon 10ft in radius in an area you can see within 60 feet. All creatures within the typhoon must make a dexterity saving throw, or take 6d6 force damage and get pushed 10 feet away from the center of the typhoon, or half as much damage on a successful save, with no push back.

Gaia's Wrath

(2 points, Level 10, Earth Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you generate a large earthquake 60 feet in radius that lasts for 5 turns. Every creature in range takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage. The entire ground in this range becomes difficult terrain for the duration of the spell. All creatures who start their turn within this area must make a dexterity saving throw or become knocked prone.

Gravity Surge

(2 points, Level 10, Necrotic Elemental Mastery)
As an action, you create a gravity well lasting 4 turns within 60 feet of yourself. All creatures within 20ft of the gravity well must make a strength saving throw or take 3d8 necrotic damage and be pulled 5 feet towards the center, or half as much damage on a successful saving throw, with no pull.

Night of Falling Stars

(2 points, Level 10, Radiant Elemental Mastery)
Seven bolts of light crash down from the sky. Each bolts hits a target of your choice. Each target takes 2d4 radiant damage.

Draconic Bloodline

Your element begins to infuse with your physical being at 2nd level. You begin to appear more dragonlike, with sharp teeth, a pointed nose, and small scale-like marks on your skin. Whenever you take damage from your element, you may reduce that damage by your wisdom modifier.

Draconic Fervor

With your intense connection to dragons at level 2, you gain the ability to understand draconic, the language of the dragons.

Natural Finesse

At lvl 3, you may use dexterety instead of stregnth for your attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes. Whenever you make an unarmed melee attack, you deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This increases to 1d8 at 11th level, and to 1d10 at 17th level.

Ability Score Improvement

Improvement: When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Elemental Aura

Your Elemental Mastery gains the following addition at 5th level. Your Dual Element gains this effect at 13th level. The elemental aura allows you to release quick bursts of elemental energy. You gain the ability to cast the listed spell one time. You regain the ability to use this spell after completing a short or long rest.

Fire - Heat Metal

Lightning  Blur

Ice - Silence

Wind - Gust of Wind

Earth - Enlarge/Reduce

Radiant  Detect Evil/Good

Necrotic  Misty Step

Enchanted Fists

At 6th level, your narmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of obercoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Draconic Senses

Through your heightened senses at level 7, you gain advantage on all perception checks.

Ageless Body

The draconic energy inside you at level 9 sustains you so that you suffer none of the frailty of old age, and you cannot be aged magically. However, you can still die of old age. In addition you no longer need food or water.

Dual Element

At level 10 something special happens; you gain the benefits of another Elemental Mastery of your choice. Whenever you apply elemental damage, you may choose either type.

Unyielding Will

You gain advantage on all wisdom saving throws from magical sources at level 11.

Draconic Appearance

At level 14, you may cast Alter Self at will to give yourself a more dragon-like appearance.

Draconic Soul

At level 15, your mastery in the ways of the Dragon Slayers gives you proficiency in all saving throws. Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you may spend 1 Form Point reroll it and take the second result.

Draconic Sacrifice

At level 17 you can use a bonus action to make a wisdom saving throw against your own Dragon Form save DC. On fail, take 2d10 damage and regain 1 Form Point, or half as much damage on success.

Draconic Force

At level 18, whenever you take damage that matches your elemental type, you may make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to the damage taken. On success, you reduce the damage taken by your dexterity modifier + your wisdom modifier.

Primal Draconic Rage

At level 20, once per long rest, you may boost your Deterity and Wisdom scores by 2. In addition, you regain 10 dragon points, to a maximum of 20 total.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Dragon Slayer class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 15.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Dragon Slayer class, you gain the following proficiencies: Shortswords and one musical instrument

The original idea is by Neo

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